We’re Storm2

Looking to hire talent remotely?
Look no further, we’ve got you covered…on all fronts. We’ve partnered with our friends over at Deel to offer you an end-to-end recruitment process. We’ll support you on the hiring front and Deel has got you on the global payroll side.
Sounds good, but who is Deel?
Deel is the leading global payroll & compliance solution that helps businesses hire anyone, anywhere. Companies can hire independent contractors or full-time employees in over 150 countries, compliantly and in minutes.
What’s next?
We’d kindly ask you to fill out…properly and submit the form to the right. The more information you provide, the better we can tailor our recruitment service to your hiring needs.
A member of our team will be in touch to schedule an introductory call with you. There’s no better way to ensure a successful collaboration than getting to know one another through a video call.