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With many start-ups preferring to allocate their cash towards the development of the product or service, this leaves limited capital to offer potential employees as a incentive to join their companies to grow their innovative teams during the hiring process, it’s becoming increasingly popular of offer a candidate equity. Employees might acquire equity compensation in the form of non-cash compensation. Options, restricted stock, and performance shares are examples of equity compensation; all of these investment vehicles indicate employee participation in the company. Employees can partake in the company’s profits through appreciation, which can encourage retention, especially if vesting restrictions are in place. A below-market pay may be accompanied by equity compensation at times.

We have created a this resource to highlight the main benefits of both equity and a higher salary. To supplement this poster, read our article about ‘The Value of Equity as Compensation’ to have a deeper understanding on the advantages of Equity.

At any stage of the hiring process, we are here to provide all the information necessary to help you make the most tailored decision. At Storm2 we have specialized in connecting FinTech talent with disruptive FinTech players such as yourself. We are able to assist in any stage of your growth by connecting you with the right people. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we would be more than happy to see how we can help and support you in your journey.