If you fell into the recruitment industry after University, attracted by what it could offer in the short and medium term, you may now be considering your options a few years in.
The widely discussed steps after being a successful consultant include managing a sales team, working your way up to Director level or even focusing your efforts on the client facing aspect of your role, in becoming a Commercial/BD Manager.
However, one option which is often under-discussed, but equally as vital in building a successful recruitment company, is a role in Learning and Development.
So, here are four reasons why this could be an excellent next step in your career.
1.Offers the potential for an excellent long-term career
A successful Learning and Development strategy should be at the centre of any successful business, in or out of the recruitment sector. Providing quality and individualized employee training is the most effective way of ensuring their career progression and success, which will improve current employees’ experience and ensure that the best talent is continually attracted to the business.
Therefore, should you choose to join the L&D team as the next step in your career, you will be learning skills that will not only offer progression within your current company, but will be highly desirable to other hiring managers, in and out of the recruitment sector.
2.Having a direct impact on performance
In a sales role, your success is important for your career, finances, and the company, your contribution in an L&D role can have a significant impact.
By providing the foundation and the opportunities for numerous individuals to become successful, you are, in turn, making an enormous impact on revenue generated and the development of potential future leaders for the business. If successful, you will have a key role in carving what the company looks like for the next 2, 5, 10 years, and beyond.
3.The opportunity to change lives; professionally and financially
It’s no secret that if you are successful in recruitment, the rewards, both in responsibilities given and financially, are second to a few other sectors. While you may have experienced this for yourself during your time as a consultant, by becoming involved in the L&D program, you are providing others with all the tools they need to be able to see the rewards for themselves.
Just as those who go into teaching speak of having a lasting impact on students’ lives, you will also be able to help others see their potential. In doing so, you are providing them with the tools they need to progress extremely quickly in their careers and make life-changing money. Unlike teachers, you will be there to see them reap the rewards of their success in a quick turnaround, with some being able to put down a deposit on their first home before the age of 25—all as a direct result of you doing your job well.
4.You can continue to have all the positives that come with being in a recruitment environment
In choosing to move into an L&D role, you get all of the positives of being in an environment with clear targets, fun competition, and extraverted personalities still present in your day. In addition, the excitement with colleagues ringing deals and novel incentives will still be in your life, as well as the other added benefits that come with influencing others’ development and career trajectory.
Your Partner In Growth
We’re hiring Learning & Development Associates to join and train our growing team. Check our Work With Us page to find out more.