In December 2020 Storm2 hosted a roundtable discussing why Diversity was key for FinTech products with leaders from different areas of the FinTech eco-system attending. It was an incredibly rich discussion that gave us real insight on the topic and that was truly a privilege for us to host. Today, we are proud to be releasing our eBook on the same topic.
It contains case studies of FinTechs that are doing the work and getting it right, a detailed look into why diversity is so important for innovation in FinTech, and practical advice on how to encourage diversity and inclusion in your workplace. We’re pretty proud of this piece of work and we hope it can be used to educate, spark conversation and inspire change within FinTechs.
As always, we are here as a trusted partner should you wish to discuss building your teams and creating a truly diverse workplace. Please do get in touch should you wish to discuss your requirements or any aspects of the eBook.
Check out our sneak preview & then download the full version below!
Like what you see? Download your copy of Storm2’s Diversity eBook below!