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The FinTech industry has grown tremendously over the last couple of years and so has the consumer adoption of digital-first financial services. As we make the transition from brick and mortar to mobile or laptop screen, the importance of product management has arguably never been higher. In a digital-first business, which FinTechs are, your product and/or service offerings are your bread and butter.

Take digital banking as an example. If a mobile banking app is built and designed in an unintuitive and difficult-to-navigate way, winning customers will be a daunting task. If customers can’t interact with their own money with ease, you run the risk of causing frustration and a diminishing customer base.

This whitepaper looks at the ideal Product team structure for your FinTech and explores the key departments within your team at each funding stage (Pre-Seed to Series E).

The whitepaper aims to answer the following questions:

  • Do you need a Chief Product Officer?
  • How many managers do you need in your team per person?
  • Do you need a Product Design or Product Marketing team?

Check out our sneak preview & then download the full version below!

Your Partner in Growth

As the FinTech industry continues to grow, so does the need for talent to facilitate this. At Storm2 we have specialized in connecting FinTech talent with disruptive FinTech players such as yourself. We can assist in any stage of your growth by connecting you with the right people. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we would be more than happy to see how we can help and support you in your journey and with your recruitment needs.